Dr. Nancy L. Segal is a contributing editor for the journal Twin Research and Human Genetics.

A quality peer-reviewed journal of the International Society for Twin Studies (ISTS), an international, nonpolitical, nonprofit, multidisciplinary scientific organisation. The purpose of ISTS is to further research and public education in all fields related to twins and twin studies, for the mutual benefit of twins and their families and of scientific research in general. Twin Research and Human Genetics is the successor journal to Acta Geneticae Medicae et Gemellologiae, which was founded in 1952 by Luigi Gedda. Acta became the official journal of ISTS when the society was established in Rome in 1974. Known as Twin Research between 1998 and 2004, the title Twin Research and Human Genetics was adopted from the beginning of Volume 8 in 2005 and is a translation of Acta Geneticae Medicae et Gemellologiae, Luigi Gedda’s original title. In 2008, Twin Research and Human Genetics was also adopted as the official journal of the Human Genetics Society of Australasia (HGSA). The journal provides readers not only with research outcomes but also vital information on Twin Registers and news from around the globe.

Find these and more articles and abstracts by Dr. Nancy L. Segal published in Twin Research and Human Genetics (Click on Back Issues, left panel)



Twin Research and Human Genetics (journal): Selected Highlights

Twins Switched at Birth: Canary Islands Case

Twins Switched at Birth: Canary Islands Case

Monozygotic (MZ) twins switched at birth represent a rare class of twins who are reared apart and reunited (MZA). Background data and descriptive findings from a case study of such a pair, born thirty-six years ago in the Canary Islands, are presented.

Sports Pairs: Insights on Athletic Talent

Sports Pairs: Insights on Athletic Talent

Twin research exploring genetic and environmental influences on athletic interests and talents is reviewed. Illustrative examples of twin athletes representing a variety of sports activities are presented.

Twins and Politics: Political Careers and Political Attitudes

Twins and Politics: Political Careers and Political Attitudes

Twins and twin research are providing fresh insights into the roots of political behavior. This topic is approached from dual perspectives: why some individuals choose to become politicians, and why individuals vary in their political attitudes and interests.

Twin Transplants

Twin Transplants

An overview of the nature and success of organ transplantation in monozygotic (MZ) twins is presented. Recent timely examples demonstrate the unique donor–recipient relationship shared by MZ co-twins.