The Twin Children of the Holocaust: Stolen Childhood and the Will to Survive.

This volume is an annotated collection of original, informative, and moving photographs of the twins who survived the brutal medical experiments conducted at the Auschwitz-Birkenau death camp (1943-1945). The experiments were conducted by the infamous physician, Josef Mengele.

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Gay Fathers, Twin Sons: The Citizenship Case That Captured the World

Andrew and Elad Dvash-Banks conceived fraternal twins, Aiden and Ethan, with a Canadian surrogate by means of egg and sperm donation. Aiden was conceived with a donated egg and Andrew's sperm cell, and Ethan was conceived with a donated egg (from the same woman) and Elad's sperm cell.”

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Deliberately Divided: Inside the Controversial Study of Twins and Triplets Adopted Apart

Takes the first in-depth look at the New York City adoption agency that separated twins and triplets in the 1960s, and the controversial and disturbing study that tracked the children’s development while never telling their adoptive parents that they were raising a “singleton twin.”

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Accidental Brothers: The Story of Twins Exchanged at Birth and the Power of Nature and Nurture

The riveting story of two sets of twins separated at birth and improbably reunited as adults, a dream case for exploring nature vs. nurture.

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Twin Mythconceptions: False Beliefs, Fables, and Facts about Twins

Shedding new light on over 70 commonly held ideas and beliefs about the origins and development of identical and fraternal twins. Using the latest scientific findings from psychology, psychiatry, biology, and education, the book separates fact from fiction.

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Born Together Reared Apart

The identical "Jim twins" were raised in separate families and met for the first time at age thirty-nine, only to discover that they both suffered tension headaches, bit their fingernails, smoked Salems, enjoyed woodworking, and vacationed on the same Florida beach.

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Someone Else's Twin

Identical twins Delia and Begona were born thirty-seven years ago in Spain's Canary Islands. Due to chaotic conditions at the hospital or simple human error, Delia was unintentionally switched with another infant in the baby nursery.

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Entwined Lives: Twins and What They Tell Us About Human Behavior

Students and scholars interested in the twists and bedrocks of human development will find in this volume a stimulating sampler of cutting-edge research on the topics that define Freedman's career: behavior genetics, human ethology, evolutionary psychology, and culture.

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Indivisible by Two

This anecdotal study, following up on Entwined Lives: Twins and What They Tell Us About Human Behavior, feeds our fascination with "the tiny twists and great puzzles behind individuals' similarities and differences."

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Uniting Psychology and Biology

Students and scholars interested in the twists and bedrocks of human development will find in this volume a stimulating sampler of cutting-edge research on the topics that define Freedman's career: behavior genetics, human ethology, evolutionary psychology, and culture.

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